Natural Functional Medicine.

What is Natural Functional Medicine

What is Natural Functional Medicine, and how is it different than visiting a typical nutritionist? Natural Functional Medicine, through the use of Applied Kinesiology or muscle testing, is a way to find the root cause of your health concerns. Your body already knows what’s wrong, and it also knows what it wants or doesn’t want in order to heal! Think of Applied Kinesiology as a way to ask it these questions! Using acupuncture/acupressure organ reflex points and meridians, the strengths and weaknesses of your body can be uncovered. We are not putting together meal plans or telling you how to eat! We are getting the answers from your body and putting together an individualized plan to allow for optimal health! Your plan may include whole food nutritional supplements, a specific detox, food changes, emotional release, personalized essential oil uses, and exercise recommendations.

Not one plan will be the same! This is personalized care down to your thoughts, eating habits, sleep patterns, organ function, and overall well-being! Come find out what your body wants from you to feel your very best!.

Services offered:

  • Basic nutritional needs

  • Specific nutritional needs for a particular ailment or concern

  • Identify elements that are causing harm within the body (detox)

  • Allergen testing: foods, chemicals, outside and inside air, etc.

  • Muscle tested diet changes to enhance health

  • Most beneficial exercise or fitness program for you at this very time in your life, taking into account your stress levels, time, and what your body can handle!

  • Essential Oil needs, whether it be to help with a bio-chemical imbalance, or to change your emotional state