Meet Dr. Amelie Biskup



I am a busy but blessed wife, mom of 3 boys, and business owner.  My natural healing practice started 15 years ago from my heart and my passion of spreading great health and understanding of healing to the world.  Growing up in a family with 9 children, and many many foster children, I learned a thing or two watching my Mom.  She cared, loved, and healed foster child after foster child.  Through self-taught nutrition, my Mom was a healer and this wisdom and confidence she passed down to us all.  It is my innate knowing that our bodies are powerful beyond words or knowledge, we just have to listen!  


I chose to become a natural functional medicine doctor

after practicing chiropractic for 16 years, as a way to help people achieve optimal health not only physically, but chemically, emotionally, and energetically as well!  If you think you are stuck being in the state of health that isn’t serving you…you are wrong.  There is always something we can change to choose a new path!  “Life is just a series of choices, if you don’t like where you are, choose again, then choose again, until you are where you want to be!”

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